Wednesday, September 22, 2010

one and counting

so, it's over and done with. i made my first pizza of this whole year long commitment. todd kept saying, "what are you going to name this pizza?" i couldn't think of a name, so i'll just list the ingredients. though my first failure of this whole experiment was not making the new crust recipe that i found online....i just didn't have the time. next time.
finely chopped artichoke,
grape tomatoes,
a little red onion,
a new homemade sauce from sarah b.
after it was finished baking, i added some fresh basil and parmesan cheese.

todd rated it a 7.5, "what, i can't give you a ten on your first pizza." i should've said it wasn't my first pizza.
we enjoyed a side salad as well, with red leaf lettuce, grape tomatoes, and some parmesan cheese....
it is my only hope that these fifty two pizzas will inspire and create, and hopefully even challenge us as well. and of course increase with taste and interest.

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