Thursday, December 9, 2010

cream cheese pear and brown sugar glazed bacon with feta pizza

wowwy, i think we have a winner this week. my wonderful and ever thoughtful friend, sarah boss of my hart photocopied me a recipe. I woke up to find it on our dinning room table. i was so excited about the combination of flavors i had to make it for dinner.

i tweaked the recipe a little bit by making my own crust, and using red onions instead of green onions...but basically this is the recipe. it also called for pecans but we opted out, as neither of us care for that nut.

i made a crust and baked it by itself...then...

place 6 strips of bacon on some aluminum foil and place on a baking sheet
1/4 c packed brown sugar and a pinch 'er two of cayenne pepper
mix those two together and generously cover the bacon and bake at 400 until crispy
meanwhile take 8 0z of cream cheese and let it soften a bit, chop up some onions and mix with the cream cheese, sprinkle with some fresh ground black pepper
slice up a pear

after the crust has baked, spread the cream cheese mixture on top of the crust
crumble the bacon and put on pizza
add the pear slices
and top off with wonderful feta

bake 'til the pizza is just slightly browned and the pears are cooked.

you will never be the same, i promise.
thank you dear sarah, i will make this for you, i SWEAR.

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