Saturday, October 9, 2010

our first pizza dinner guests

todd's parents came over this wednesday night to join us for dinner. i purchase some ground pork from jacobs meat market and found a recipe to guide me in flavoring the meat for sausage.
the crust turned out super thin and pretty firm as well (still not the crust recipe i've been meaning to try). i threw some sliced red onions on as well.

sausage and onion pizza

the vandenbergs ate it up right quick

instead of just one pizza, i also made a simple grape tomato with basil....i guess todd and i ate ours really fast as well. so can i take off one week of the 52 because i made two different pizzas?? i used up the last of sarah's famous pizza sauce....i will have to perfect mine.

tomato and fresh basil......simple and delicious

1 comment:

  1. we can just make a vat of pizza sauce together...although i think i'm out of fresh garden grown tomatoes.
    farmers market? cooking date?
    and no you can't have a week off. you just have a bonus pizza and it looks delicious.
