Sunday, October 17, 2010

sauceless pizza

My first attempt, ever, of a sauceless pizza! It was so delicious, no lies. Gorgonzola cheese with sliced garlic, the last of the grape tomatoes, walnuts and olive oil.

As I progress into this pizza commitment, I'm realizing some techniques that I had been missing before. Though I'm still not completely satisfied with my crust (and regretfully I've not tried that new crust, I know, I know, I need to get on that). But just little secrets that I've discovered make this little weekly adventure more adventurous, and taste wonderful.

Next week (the 18th) the mister and I are celebrating two years of marriage. I have plans for a special pizza for him...onions galore.

A few photos; next time I plan on placing the cheese all the way to the end of the crust.

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