Thursday, November 25, 2010

a couple of weeks ago my sister had given me some pizza recipes that she lovingly tore out of a magazine. the recipes looked delicious so i had to try one out for the week's pizza. sweet and sour chicken pizza. i marinated slices of chicken in a sweet and sour sauce, pan cooked it and set it aside.
we also added some pineapple, feta, and slices of red onion. i can say that it wasn't my favorite, nor was it todd's.

this past week i've made a few trips to wonderful jacobs meat market, picking up a rather large turkey, and then to purchase some pepperoni. i always forget how i love going into that store, even when i was a kid. todd's idea for this week's pizza was a pepper jack cheese with pepperoni. i honestly can say that i cannot recall the last time i ate pepperoni. jacobs does a nice job on their pepperoni. except you have to buy the whole log of pepperoni, but the woman that helped me, broke the rules and just gave me enough to top a pizza! i don't know what i would have done with the left over had i bought the whole thing. sheesh.

the pizza was really good. but for some reason, this time around the crust didn't get as cripsy on the bottom as it normally does. i baked it at the same temperature as usual...i may have made the crust a little more moist than usual.

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