it was really good. almost better than if it were made with a white sauce. well, actually, when i think of spinach and feta pizza i think of sal's pizza's spinach and feta. at one point, i think i may have come close to overdosing on that variety, and so that variety of spinach and feta no longer sits well with me. too much white sauce equals boring blahness...there was no depth.
spinach and feta:
chop fresh spinach
crumble feta (amount is determined by your taste)
slice up some onions
slice up some fresh mozzarella
make a red sauce
working quickly, place all ingredients on pizza crust, bake between 400-425 degrees until cheese
i've also been having difficulty with the pizza sticking to the pizza peel. so the past two weeks i have had some misshaped pizzas. but the taste was still there, for sure!
last week's pizza was supposed to be up to the mister to figure out ingredients. well, we had some red, orange, and green peppers lying around..."Lets just do a pepper pizza!!!"
so, we did. only i made it with [drum roll please] a stuffed crust!!! on a whim, i purchased some string cheese at the grocery last week. what an easy and delicious way to stuff a crust! i then seasoned the crust with olive oil, garlic powder, salt, and oregano...brushed it on to the crust before baking.
wow! seriously, i thought it was pretty damn tasty, to say the least.
on the menu is a sweet and sour chicken pizza.....
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